Sunday, 7 September 2014

Russia - Black and White

August 21, 2014

Svetlana sent this card to me from Russia.  She writes,"Hello and the best regards from the Siberian city of Tomsk!  I'm Svetlana the lawyer, married, have an adult son and a charming little grand-daughter.  She is my happiness.  I also love movies.  One of my favourite old movies is "Bridges County Madison" with Meryl Streep."  

In English, the movie is The Bridges of Madison County, and I like it too.

There is no information on the card about who is pictured. It's a postal shop card, so it may just be a model.  It's a shame as it looks like she should be a famous actress or model!

These flower stamps are so beautiful.  I really like them!
Thank you Sveta!

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