Thursday, 2 October 2014

India - 100 Years of Indian Cinema

September 19, 2014

Rohini sent this card all the way from India.  She thinks that I will like this card about Indian movies.  She writes that it is a 100 year old Industry and Hindi movies are a big part of Indian culture.  There are many other regional languages that have a sizeable movie industry like Tamil, Telegu, Bengali, etc.  She wishes me a Happy Postcrossing.

100 years of Indian Cinema
On 3rd May, 1913 Dada Saheb Phalke, the father of 
Indian Cinema, released India's first full length 
feature film Raja Harishchandra.

The very cool thing is that this stamp is featured on the front of the card.  Unfortunately I don't have any information on this person, and IMDb was not very helpful.

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