Tuesday, 11 November 2014


October 29, 2014

Elena sent this long card to me recently with a lovely message on the back, some of which I'll let you know about!  She writes,
"This is the view of the heart of Minsk-Nemiga! It is summer time!  You know, we had a gold autumn, but today everything has changes!  it is raining, windy and a little bit sad!  But my wedding photos remind me warm and happy day on Sicily!  We had a wedding in Taornuna!"

She wrote some lovely things about me and then continues about herself to say, " I like to travel a lot, but I always come back home.  How was it to you?  How did it even happen that you changed your place to live?!  I have some relatives and friends that moved to Canada!  Send you warm hugs!"

I never thought that much about moving to Japan honestly.  I've been moving around the world since I was very young, so it just seemed like the next progression.  I didn't plan to move here forever, that part just happened when I got married!

Welcome to Belarus
Trinity suburb from the Svislach river side
Thank you for the beautiful thoughts and very personalized card.  I appreciated it very much.

This was the gorgeous stamp she used and a small example of how she decorated the back of the card.  I love it to be honest!  The little cat...the head is a puffy sticker, but the body and umbrella are hand drawn.  So cute.  I never decorate the backs of my cards...I mean to, but I write too much!

A lovely postcrossing Elena, thank you so much!

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