Sunday, 9 November 2014


October 25, 2014

Polina sent this beautiful card to me from Russia.  She wrote me a very interesting message.

"Hello!  My name is Polina.  I write fairy tales and love movies with the same theme. For example, Enchanted and Penelope.  I also love Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell, so Pride & Prejudice, Cranford, North and South, Persuasion are also in my collection.  Have a good day!"

I am a huge fan of Jane Austen. I haven't read Elizabeth Gaskell, but I have read a learner version of Cranford and enjoyed it.  I also like fairy tales and movies from them.

Sunrise over Khoroshevsky District of Moscow.
In the middle of the picture--Triumph Palace Residential Complex.

Thanks for the great card Polina!

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