Friday, 18 December 2015

Czech Republic - Art

December 3, 2015

One of these cards comes along only a few times so it is a good idea to enjoy it and treasure it when it does.  The sender thought about what to send me, wrote about why she sent it and then talked movies with me.  Those are all things I love, and re-viewing this card for my blog made me re-live the happy moment when I received it!

Zuzana wrote, "I must say, that since I've got this card, I was decided to keep it.  But after I read what you wrote on your profile I suddenly understood the card was just waiting for you!

My name is Zuzawa, from Czech Republic, student of Arabic language.  I'm not an expert of art, I just know, I really do like this painting.  It makes me feel like I'm reconciled to the darkness inside me, my fears, desires, abilities, love hate...It's really emotional for me.  I bought it in England and I can tell you, live its excellent experience.  And I also play on piano.

Have you seen movie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? That's my favourite, even though I don't like Jim Carrey.  Love Bukowski!  Hope, you'll take care of my beloved Rembrandt :-),

Japan is one of my dreamy country.  Have a wonderful, beautiful, adventurous, loving time and enjoy colourful autumn.  Best wishes, Zuzana"

A Man seated at a Table in a Lofty Room, about 1628-30
Follower of Rembrandt, 1606-1669
Oil on oak, 55.1 x46.5 cm
Bought, 1917
The National Gallery, London
 The stamp is related to hockey, so you know I'm going to love it!

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