Wednesday, 10 February 2016


January 27, 2016

Amy sent this card to me with a short, friendly note on the back.

She wrote,

"Hello :-)
My name is Amy. I am a Taiwanese.
I have gone to Japan in 2015.  I like Japan.
Have  you gone to Taiwan?
we have many yummy foods.  Wellcome!


Unfortunately, I have no idea what is on the card.

I like the stamp a lot, but have no idea what it shows.


Mail Adventures said...

Me to, I'd like to know what's on the postcard. It's a weird picture, but it seems funny!

Helen said...

It does, yet they take their military quite seriously there. We watched the changing of the guard when we were in Taipei and it was quite a solemn process.

Unknown said...

i think those big figures were placed there as an art installation for a short period of time
they represented soldiers serving in the navy, marine & air forces
and for the stamp, it shows 3 gods greeting & visiting the folks
those words are so small but it probably describes the incident

Helen said...

Thank you so much Rachel! To me they looked like Lego soldiers but I didn't know if it was art or some kind of public protest.

And thanks also for letting me know about the stamp. Not being able to read kanji makes it quite difficult to understand stamps from some Asian countries.

I'm glad you stopped by! Please come again :-)