Friday, 26 September 2014


September 19, 2014

Sarolta sent this fabulous card from Budapest, Hungary.  She writes that on the card we can see a part of a tablecloth in the Kalocsa style.  She likes needlework too, she knits and crochets.  When winter comes, she buys new yarn.  She bids me take care and sends her best wishes.

There is a little bit about this fabulous type of embroidery here. The work is amazing.

Kalocsa embroidered with colorful motifs (called cifrapamukos) Pre-Drawn detailed table ("eradicates") and embroidered Ilus King of Folk Art masters, Kalocsa, 1940
(Sorry, it's Google Translated...The best I could do...)
These stamps are very interesting too.  Does anyone know anything about them?

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