Saturday, 27 September 2014

United States - Wisconsin

September 19, 2014

Katie Rose wrote a lot on the back of her card, I'm happy to say.  I always appreciate people that write about themselves or their lives, or even about the card that they just sent me.

She writes that this is a typical view where she is from.  Sadly, she hasn't been to Canada yet, even though it is about 8 hours away from where she lives.  She lives in a small town, and the nearest city is 40 minutes away.

She used to work in a movie theatre for 4 years and has seen many movies, but her favourite is Breakfast at Tiffany's. She absolutely loves Audrey Hepburn!

She does wonder how I manage living in Japan without being able to speak do I most days!!

Thanks for a great chat!

Wisconsin River
The Wisconsin River cuts its path through a large part of Wisconsin.  This picture shows off its beauty as it blends with the state's rich green countryside and rolling hills.

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