Friday 6 June 2014

Australia - Maxi Card

June 2, 2014

This little beauty popped up in my mailbox a couple of days ago! It is my first Maxi-Card and I am thrilled with it!

Anita sent it from Australia and wrote me a lovely long message.

She said that she was happy to see this postcard in my favorites. She has had it for a while, wasn't sure who to send it to.   The band is called The Seekers and it was one of her parent's favourites.  She says that her mother had an album of theirs and they listened to it often as she was growing up.

I did a little YouTube-ing and searching of the internet and realized that they sang the song "Georgy Girl" (amongst others), which for reasons my friends will know has been somewhat of a theme song for me over the years.  I was really happy to get the card and wasn't sure that I'd ever have my own copy of it.

The Seekers
Thanks so much Anita!


Crafty Tokyo Mama said...

How wonderful! I'm sure the sender was thrilled to know her card would be loved. That's the best kind of Postcrossing.

Helen said...

I tried to let her know when I thanked her for the card. And, I of the nicest parts of Postcrossing :-)

Thanks for visiting!